190 Club Raises Over £20,000!

During 2018, Beech set up a fund called the 190 Club aiming to attract 190 companies or individuals to donate £190 per year in return for being incorporated in a raffle every month for three prizes of £500, £300 and £200. This was a smashing success, as we managed to raise £20,000 for Feeding Britain over the year.

As you can see in the photo above, The Johnson Foundation generously matched what the 190 Club raised in 2018, bringing the total donated to Feeding Britain up to an astonishing £40,000! 

Every single penny raised will go to Feeding Britain: a charity seeking to try and solve the problems of hunger, homelessness and cold in a constructive way. Along with many other important projects, Feeding Britain raise much-needed funds and provide advice for people in the Wirral struggling to buy food, recently opening the Number 7 cafe and supermarket in Birkenhead.

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