Earlier this year our director Arthur Marley reached an incredible milestone – his 40th year of working for Beech Group! Arthur’s been here nearly as long as the company itself – John Beech Ltd was founded in 1963 and he joined the company as a fitter in 1979. Since then he’s risen through the ranks and now directs demolition in the Group.
Being with us for 40 years is a momentous achievement, so we had to celebrate Arthur’s milestone twice!
At the NFDC AGM & Awards Luncheon 2019, our MD Chris Wainwright prepared a surprise presentation for Arthur before the awards were announced. Arthur was recognised for 40 years in service with a special NFDC Certificate of Achievement signed by colleagues at Resurgam House.
(Pictured above: Chris’ speech at the NFDC AGM & Awards and Gyles Brandreth, who hosted the event, congratulating Arthur).
But this wasn’t the only recognition we planned for Arthur: we threw our own party at our local rugby club a few weeks beforehand, which meant the presentation at the NFDC Awards came as even more of a surprise! There we gathered together his colleagues and friends and presented him with a watch to commemorate his achievement.
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